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Local Resources

Resources and Organizations:

These are the Resources and Organizations whose services we recommend most often.

For a more extensive list, we recommend you check out  Youth Outlook’s Resource Page.

  • Youth Outlook – Runs several weekly drop in centers throughout the Western suburbs of Chicago
  • Young:Equal – Holds social events for LGTBQ+ you every other month.
  • TJLP – Transformative Justice Law Project of Illinois provides Legal Assistance, including help with name changes
  • Illinois Safe Schools Alliance
    • Advocacy Request Form – Provide help to students experiencing identity based discrimination and/or harassments.
  • Equality Illinois – Advocacy organization dedicated to defending rights for LGTBQ+ Illinoisans.
  • Q-Chat Space – Online community for LGTBQ+ Teens
  • imi – Online mental health tool for LGTBQ+ teens, by LGTBQ+ teens and their allies.
  • Campus Pride Index – Database of hundreds of LGTBQ+ friendly campuses and what they have to offer.
  • PCNI Book & Movie Recommendations (PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois)