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We are excited you found us!

Please join us at our monthly meetings.
It may change your life.
It changed ours.

Members of PFLAG DuPage holding a banner and signs at a pride event.

Our Mission

To create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

Learn More About PFLAG National
A table set up with information about PFLAG DuPage, handouts, and a table runner that says PFLAG DuPage
Monthly Meetings

Third Sunday of every month
2:00pm – 4:00pm
St. Paul Lutheran Church
515 S Wheaton Ave.
Wheaton, IL
(enter through door off parking lot behind the church)

Meetings are hybrid.
Contact us at PFLAGdupage@gmail.com to request the Zoom link.

We're Here to Help!

Dealing with issues of sexual orientation or gender identity can be challenging

You may be a parent, family member or friend of someone who is gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, non-binary, intersex or questioning.

You may be an LGBTQ+ person in the process of coming out and dealing with family, workplace, or social issues related to your sexual identity.

Whatever your situation, you’ll find support, information, acceptance, and friendship at PFLAG DuPage.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need support.
(You may be assured that contact is kept private and confidential. No personal identifying information will be disclosed without your consent.)

Contact Us
A rainbow umbrella
Members of PFLAG DuPage holding a banner and signs at a pride event.
Community Outreach

You can often find PFLAG DuPage out and about in the community, walking in parades, giving out buttons, and providing education.

Check out our upcoming events: