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PFLAG DuPage was formed in 2004 when members of the Hinsdale chapter decided we needed support in the far west suburbs of Chicago. The first Chapter meeting was held in January of 2004. We have met without fail at St Paul Lutheran Church every third Sunday since that date. PFLAG DuPage has always been dedicated to providing compassionate support, quality educational programs and strong advocacy for equal rights.

Historical photo of Jeanne Manford and her son, Marty Manford, marching in the 1972 Christopher Street Liberation March.

PFLAG is an organization of LGBTQ+ people, parents, families, and allies who work together to create an equitable and inclusive world. We are hundreds of thousands of people and hundreds of chapters from coast to coast who are leading with love to support families, educate allies, and advocate for just, equitable, and inclusive legislation and policies. Since our founding in 1973, PFLAG works every day to ensure LGBTQ+ people everywhere are safe, celebrated, empowered and loved.

Monthly Meetings

PFLAG DuPage meets each month to encourage each other, learn and share ideas.  All are welcome.  You need not be a member to attend. Meetings generally consist of a program such as a guest speaker followed by a group discussion and a bit of social time with light refreshments.
We also maintain a library of LBTBQ+ books and videos that can be checked out at meetings.

When: 3rd Sunday of the month, 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Join us in person or via Zoom:
For location information or Zoom link, email us at PFLAGDuPage@gmail.com

A foam core board with information about PFLAG DuPage
PFLAG DuPage board members sitting at a table with PFLAG publications, pride flags, stickers, and information.
Community Outreach

PFLAG DuPage reaches out to organizations of all kinds – schools, churches, libraries, social services, health & wellness organizations – to help people understand the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Likewise PFLAG DuPage relies upon like organizations to help us keep abreast of the latest information available for LGBTQ+ issues.

Contact us at PFLAGdupage@yahoo.com if you:

  • Have an event that PFLAG DuPage could have a resource table at.
  • Would like someone from PFLAG DuPage attend or speak at your event.
  • Are interested in being a guest speaker at one of our meetings.
  • Want to support our cause!

PFLAG DuPage Name Change Fund

The PFLAG DuPage Name Change Fund assists members of the LGTBQ+ community to help offset the the expense of acquiring a name change.

If you would like all or part of a donation to go to the fund, put it in the special instructions box when checking out.

That's who we are PFLAG is more than just going to meetings; PFLAG is more than just marching in parades; PFLAG is more than just writing letters; PFLAG is more than just being rabble rousers; PFLAG is people, ordinary people, who love in extraordinary ways, people who can be called upon at a moment's notice to counsel a confused parent or a hurting child, people who stand at the ready to respond to any request for help, to share their wisdom, to share their experience, to share their love. PFLAG is community, community that seeks to serve at all times and in all places. PFLAG isn't limited to people who attend meetings or pay dues. PFLAG is people who have ever been a part of a chapter, people who stand ready to share their wisdom and insight whenever called upon to help. PFLAG is love. That's who we are. Toni Weaver - January 2022